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Monte Vista Primary School
School Rules
A:Huising Avenue, Monte Vista 7460 T:021 558
Download the School Rules
A. Lining Up
Learners must go to their lines immediately at the sound of the first siren. Nobody may arrive late at the lines.
When the second siren sounds, there must be silence, and learners must be ready to lead into class.
B. Passages
- Learners may not talk, run, play, or loiter in the passages before, during, or after school hours.
- When changing classes, learners must move in a single file on the left side of the passage with suitcases carried away from the wall.
- When learners move to and from classrooms at the beginning and end of the day and the beginning and end of breaks, they must walk in two lines.
- Learners in the top passages may only move outside once the learners in the bottom passages are already outside.
- Learners may not drag their feet on the floors in the passages, as this leaves black marks.
- The hooks outside the classrooms may not be tampered with when learners are moving along the passages.
- Learners are forbidden to eat in the passages or the cloakrooms. No running and playing of games are allowed in the passages.
C. Classrooms
- No learners are allowed in the classrooms before school.
- Classrooms and desks must be kept clean and tidy at all times. Writing on walls and desks is strictly forbidden.
- No learner is allowed to talk or walk around the classroom during lessons unless he/she has been given permission by the educator.
- If for some reason the educator has to leave the classroom, an assistant must be called. Under no circumstances may a class be left unsupervised.
- When learners leave the classroom, they must make sure that it is tidy and each learner must ensure that his/her desk is neatly packed.
- No clothes or bags may be left on the hooks outside the classrooms after school.
- When entering another educator’s classroom, learners must knock, enter, and greet in a polite manner.
- No learners will be allowed in the classroom during breaks or after school without the supervision of an educator.
- No learner may eat during class hours. The educator may confiscate the food.
D. Playground
- During breaks learners must play in their respective areas.
- Learners must throw their sandwich wrappings, peels, bread crusts, etc. in the dirt bins.
- The following will not be allowed during breaks, before school, or after school on the playgrounds:
- Ride bicycles (learners must mount or dismount their bicycles at the gate and push their bicycles to the bicycle racks).
- Bicycles may not be left in front of the main gate of the school or in front of the entrance to the rugby/athletics field.
- Learners may not play between or near the bicycle racks.
- No tampering with bicycles will be allowed.
- Climbing of trees, breaking of branches, and pulling off of leaves and berries is not allowed.
- Climbing over fences is prohibited.
- Games that stain, tear, or damage school clothes are not allowed.
- Rugby, cricket, tennis, netball, etc. may not be played in school uniform – only the correct attire may be used for this purpose.
- Only tennis and netball may be played on the courts.
- No game may be played with a hardball.
- Any form of fireworks (e.g., firecrackers), BB guns, firearms, or dangerous knives are not allowed on the playgrounds.
- Learners may not chew bubble gum on the school premises.
- Learners may not enter or leave the school via the foyer.
- The netball posts may not be used for basketball.
- The school playgrounds are there for the enjoyment of all learners. Allow your fellow learners this privilege.
- If anything is broken or damaged during break time, it must be reported to the headmaster/deputy headmaster immediately.
- No learner is allowed to leave the school premises during school hours without the permission of the headmaster or the deputy headmaster.
- Learners may not play in the garden area in front of the school – this includes the area between the side of the hall, past the front gate, to the corner of the staffroom.
E. Tuck Shop
- At the beginning of breaks learners must line-up in single file between the barriers in front of the tuck shop hatch.
- Only two learners at a time may stand in front of the tuck shop hatch.
- Pushing, pushing-in, or any form of misconduct will not be allowed and any culprit will be dealt with according to the code of conduct.
- No learners will be served from the side door of the tuck shop.
F. Absenteeism
- Should a learner not attend school, the parent must state the reason for the absenteeism and/or supply a doctor’s certificate to the educator.
- The learner must then inform the following educators who might be involved: Music/choir, Sports coaches, Society and/or club educators.
G. Cell Phones / Electronic Devices
- We do not encourage learners to bring cell phones/electronic devices to school at all.
- If they do so, the school will not accept responsibility if a cell phone/electronic device gets stolen or damaged.
- Cell phones/electronic devices MUST be completely switched OFF during class time.
- Phones or electronic devices will be collected by the educator and placed in a locked cupboard until the end of the day. If not, it will be confiscated immediately and kept in the office for a certain period. (Circular 2007/01)
H. Dress Code and “Civvies Day”
- Learners are expected to wear the official School uniform and appear neat and tidy at all times. No additions to the uniform that are not in accordance with the regulations will be allowed.
- Only learners that have applied and have submitted the relevant supporting documentation and received the necessary permission from the School Governing Body, may deviate from the official School uniform for religious reasons as contemplated in Annexure A of the School Rules.
- Summer:
- Girls: black school shoes; short white socks / MVP branded white socks; white short-sleeved open-neck shirt; Monte Vista school skirt.
- Boys: black school shoes; long grey Monte Vista school socks; grey pants (long or short); white short-sleeved open-neck shirt.
- Winter:
- Girls: black school shoes; long grey Monte Vista school socks or black pantyhose (opaque); Monte Vista school skirt or Monte Vista blue school slacks; white long-sleeved shirt; Monte Vista school tie.
- Boys: black school shoes; long grey Monte Vista school socks; grey pants (long or short); white long-sleeved shirt; Monte Vista school tie.
- Learners can wear a Monte Vista school jersey/pull-over and/or Monte Vista school anorak throughout the year. The jersey/pull-over may not be worn with PT-clothing.
- Official Monte Vista Primary SCHOOL SUITCASE. This is the only suitcase that may be used.
- Civvies Days:
- The only difference in the clothing on a “civvies day” is that the school uniform may be replaced by suitable casual clothes. The academic programme will proceed as usual.
- Dress code for girls:
- Clothing must be suitable to wear to school.
- No revealing, shoulder-less tops with low cleavage or bare midriff.
- Jewellery like bangles and necklaces must be worn in moderation. No visible body piercings except earrings.
- Caps may not be worn inside the school buildings.
- All underwear must be covered.
- No make-up is allowed (as stated in the school rules).
- Hair may be worn loose, but the colouring of hair is not permitted.
- Dress code for boys:
- Clothing must be suitable to wear to school.
- No visible body piercings.
- No earrings.
- Caps may not be worn inside the school building.
- All underwear must be covered.
- Hair must be according to school rules (no coloring).
- Learners who transgress this dress code will not be permitted to wear casual clothes on subsequent civvies days.
I. General
- New learners are permitted to complete a particular term in the uniform of their previous school.
- All articles of clothing must be clearly marked.
- Lost clothing is handed in at reception and can be redeemed from the secretary.
- A school tracksuit may only be worn as part of the sports uniform and on the days that the learners have physical education.
- Nails must be kept short and clean and no nail polish, gel, tipp-ex, etc. may be used on nails.
- Make-up may not be worn.
- Hair:
- Boys:
- Hair regulations are based on neatness, naturalness, and styles which are appropriate to a boy dressed in a uniform.
- Hair may not hang over ears and collar.
- The fringe must not hang below the eyebrows.
- Hair may not be permed, dyed, tinted, or washed in any coloring agent whatsoever.
- Boys may not have long hair that requires to be tied up.
- No steps, ‘undercuts,’ ridges, or peculiar styles are permitted.
- No gel will be allowed.
- No patterns may be shaved into the hair or eyebrows.
- Girls:
- Hair regulations are based on neatness, naturalness, and styles which are appropriate to a girl dressed in a uniform.
- Hair must be tied away from the face with elastic bands and/or ribbons.
- Braids must be a natural color, and no beads allowed in the braids.
- The fringe must not touch the eyebrows.
- Girls may only wear white or black accessories in their hair.
- Hair must not be permed, highlighted, dyed, tinted, or washed in any coloring agent whatsoever.
- No steps, ‘undercuts,’ ridges, or peculiar styles are permitted.
- No jewelry, besides watches and medic-alert disks, etc., may be worn with the school uniform.
- Girls with single holes in the earlobes may wear plain rings (silver or gold sleeper rings) or solid ball studs (silver or gold studs, no diamante or colored stones).
- Boys are not allowed to wear any jewelry in their ears.
- No other piercings allowed for all learners.
J. Toilets/Cloakroom Rules
- The use of PT change rooms is forbidden for all learners during breaks or before school.
- Learners who cannot behave hygienically in the toilets will be dealt with severely.
- Toilets must be flushed after use.
- No learner may mess with the toilet paper in the toilets.
- Soap at wash-basins in cloakrooms should be used to wash hands after a visit to the toilet.
- The area in and around toilets (and urinals in boys' toilets) must be kept neat and tidy at all times.
- It is not a talking, eating, or meeting place.
- Hanging around the toilet area/change rooms is therefore forbidden.
- Boys are to stand on the step (where applicable) when using the urinal.
- Any learner who at any time behaves in an improper, indecent, unhygienic, and destructive manner in the toilets and change rooms is guilty of a serious misdemeanor.
- No learner may at any time eat sandwiches in the toilet area or force rolls of toilet paper into the toilet or throw pieces of wet toilet paper up against the ceiling. Strong action shall be taken against such learners.
K. Hall
- At no time will a learner be allowed in the hall without the supervision of an educator.
- Learners may not use the hall as thoroughfare (shortcut).
- Learners may not run or play in the hall without supervision.
- Learners may not eat or drink in the hall during the normal course of a school day.
- Learners may not go on the stage unless instructed to do so by an educator.
- The equipment (e.g., sound and lighting) may only be used by an educator or trained assistants.
- No apparatus or chairs may be dragged across the floor. Such items must be picked up before they are moved.
- When leaving the hall, ensure that all the side doors are closed.
- If chairs and/or tables are used, ensure that they are clean before they are packed away.
- Photographs, etc., may not be removed from the hall without permission.
- Any damage must be reported immediately.
L. Foyer
- The foyer may not be used as a thoroughfare.
- The foyer serves as the ‘showpiece’ of the school and should be viewed as such.
- Nothing may be done which might diminish this image.
- The glass door between the foyer and the rest of the school must be closed at all times to ensure the safety of the staff.
- Should the foyer need to be decorated for one or another reason, the erection of such decorations may not cause any damage to the existing structure in the foyer.
M. Administrative Area
- Learners may not enter the administrative area without permission.
- The staff room and staff kitchens are out of bounds for all learners.
N. School Building After Hours
- Learners may not wander aimlessly around the school buildings after 14:30.
- Rules regarding behavior in classrooms and corridors are also applicable after 14:30.
S.J.E. Swart, Headmaster